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Kingpins Trend Direction S/S 2025 (Digital PDF only)

Kingpins Trend is a collaboration with Amy Leverton of Denim Dudes.

    Discover Denim Dudes latest report for the SS25/26 season comprised of 4 stories, Future Atelier, Embody, Low-Key Flex & Resurgence. This comprehensive 82 page report explores the cultural, creative and consumer shifts affecting the denim market all the way from the supply chain, through design, to the end consumer. 

    The Trend Direction content is a digital file delivered directly to your email upon purchase.

    Story 1 - Future Atelier:

    As we’ve talked about in previous seasons, there’s never been more awareness around wealth and class disparity than today. But the new guard of creatives are changing the face and the sentiment of what we call luxury and consumers are using their purchase power to usher in a new universe of luxury, centered around quality and craftsmanship, anti ostentation, inclusivity and elevated design details. Simultaneously supporting young creatives and rising talent they genuinely connect with rather than massive conglomerate fashion houses.

     Story 2 - Embody:

    We’ve been talking about the concept of hyper individualism and ‘main character energy’ for a while now, as the new generation of youth find their voice and place within society. But this season there’s been a shift in awareness from living your best and truest life towards a path that’s more integrated and inline with the world around us. As our collective self awareness reaches levels it's never achieved before, we discover what it means to be totally embodied and connected to ourselves, our creativity, our fellow humans and mother earth.

    Story 3 - Low-Key Flex:

    As a reaction to talk in the media around inequality, actor’s strikes, inflation and nepo babies, Low-Key Flex is a refreshing antidote, aimed at eroding class and wealth barriers and tackling elitist attitudes around fashion. We’ve already seen a return to everyday basics taking place from younger and more socially aware celebrities such as the Biebers, Bella Hadid, Lily Rose Depp and 070 Shake. But there’s more to this story than merely optics; it’s about removing the snobbish culture around Fashion by fostering inclusive and local communities and aligning brands, activations and events that are healthy, joyful and empowering. Whilst Future Atelier explores the future of luxury, Low-Key Flex swings the pendulum away from luxury altogether.

    Story 4 - Resurgence: 

    While many thought the noughties trend would wane after a few seasons, it shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. New iterations are being explored through today's lens as both young brands and seasoned designers draw inspiration from niche references, subcultures, and moments in time that resonate with their outlook and reflect their current struggles. Spurred by Gen Z’s obsession with the archives, a new slew of vintage resellers have begun focusing on brands such as Sean John, FUBU, Karl Kani, South Pole, Evisu and more. Meanwhile, the disillusioned feeling that permeates today’s jaded youth draws parallels with references of emo and rebellious subcultures of prior eras.